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Software Risk Manager: Administrator

In this learning path we’ll cover administrative responsibilities to help you maintain your companies SRM infrastructure.

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The Software Risk Manager for Administrators learning path is designed for technical professionals who already have a basic understanding of how SRM works.  As an administrator you may be responsible for ensuring a smooth functioning SRM experience, well we’ve got you covered!  In this learning path we’ll cover administrative responsibilities like planning, installing, configuring, integrations and user management to help you maintain your companies SRM infrastructure.

For more information, please visit the Software Risk Manager Documentation Portal at


Software Risk Manager: Headless Server Installation in Linux Systems
This course is a quick walkthrough for installing Software Risk Manager Server without a graphical UI.
15 min
Administrator DevOps English auto-registration Software Risk Manager (ASPM)
Software Risk Manager: Server Installation in Windows
This course walks through the installation of Software Risk Manager Server in Windows.
15 min
Administrator DevOps English auto-registration Software Risk Manager (ASPM)
Software Risk Manager: UI Dashboard
This course walks through the Software Risk Manager UI Dashboard and the various sections as the Administrator.
6 min
Administrator DevOps English Code Dx (ASOC) auto-registration Software Risk Manager (ASPM)
Software Risk Manager: Filtering Findings
In this lesson we'll take a look at Software Risk Manager's Findings page and learn about its powerful filtering capabilities to help manage your AppSec tools aggregate findings.
15 min
Administrator DevOps End User English auto-registration Software Risk Manager (ASPM)
Software Risk Manager: Policy Support
This course is a quick walkthrough on how to utilize the Policy support in Software Risk Manager.
15 min
Administrator DevOps English auto-registration Software Risk Manager (ASPM)
Software Risk Manager: Project Tool Configuration
This course walks through the installation of Software Risk Manager project tool config.
15 min
Administrator DevOps English auto-registration Software Risk Manager (ASPM)
Software Risk Manager: Results Review and Reporting
Learn how to navigate and filter Software Risk Manager Results and see the various Reporting options.
15 min
Administrator Developer DevOps End User English auto-registration Software Risk Manager (ASPM)
Software Risk Manager: Machine Learning Triage Assistant
In this lesson we'll take a look at SRM's ML Triage Assistant and learn how it can be leveraged to improve your AppSec process.
10 min
Administrator DevOps English auto-registration Software Risk Manager (ASPM)
Integrating Coverity Findings into Software Risk Manager
This course describes how to integrate and import Coverity analysis results into Software Risk Manager (SRM)
6 min
Coverity (AST) Administrator DevOps English Code Dx (ASOC) auto-registration Coverity Integrations Software Risk Manager (ASPM)
Software Risk Manager: Integrating Black Duck Findings
This course describes how to import Black Duck scan results to Software Risk Manager
9 min
Administrator DevOps English auto-registration Software Risk Manager (ASPM)